Exclusive territory

Besides it’s huge deer herd, what distinguish Anticosti is the fact that it is the best place to practice white-tailed deer still hunting. You can hunt at your own pace inside the vast portion of the exclusive territory allowed to each group of hunters. Depending of your preference, you can also do stalk hunting from one of our numerous tree-stands or walk quietly in our marked trails. The american and european plan packages includes the services of a professional guide per group of 4 hunters which will make your stay more successful and enjoyable.  Our territory spread over 721 square kilometers (278 square miles). Our lodging outfits are located only 30 minutes from Port-Menier, which is a real advantage on arrival and departure days.

Anticosti Island is located in hunting area 20. The white-tailed deer hunting permit is exclusive to that area and you will be able to purchase it upon your arrival when you register at our office. The regular permit allows for the harvest of two deer of any type (male, female, fawn). As for the small game permit, the provincial permit is in effect. Group hunting (share of the game limit) is authorized on the territory of Pourvoirie Lac Geneviève d’Anticosti. We would appreciate, if you wish to avail yourself of this opportunity, that you complete in advance the binding agreement that you will find among the documents to download. We will only need then to write your permit number upon your arrival.

Recommended firearms

Although you can hunt with all the types of arms authorized by law for white-tailed deer hunting and even though there is no particular season in area 20, we strongly recommend the use of rifles with telescope sight in the range of calibers from .243 to 7mm to be able to face all the possible shooting situations.

Essential equipment 

Compass and/or GPS, Binoculars, Camera, Hunting clothes made with quiet material, Orange vest is mandatory (quiet material), Knife, Waterproof boots of good quality, Flashlight , Raingear, Marking tape , Lighter or waterproof matches, Cheese cloth (for those hunting early season), Two-way radio (essential if you practice group hunting)

Firearm transportation

Please visit the following website http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-98-209/page-2.htmlh-8 under the section ''Transportation of non-restricted firearms''

Out-of-country clients

It is mandatory to fill out the firearm declaration form to bring an arm through the Canadian customs. You can download this form from the following website : http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/iefw-iefa-eng.html. Don’t forget that you also need to present a passport.

Every American citizen must hold a valid passport. Please plan ahead of time to get one. Visit https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/apply-renew-passport/how-to-apply.html to get information about passports.


Watch the video produced by the team of "LECAMP.TV"


Section texte 1

American plan hunting package

Dates : August 31 th to november 29 th

Accommodations : Lac Geneviève chalets

Stay : 

-- September, november : 5 nights (4 days hunting) 

-- October : 6 nights (5 days hunting)

Meals : 3 meals a day including lunch for the outing

The daily clean up :Yes

Guide : 1 guide for your group of 4 hunters

Vehicles : 1 crew cab truck and 1 ATV per group

Firearms adjustments :Yes

Preparation of the game in quarters :Yes

Transportation boxes :Yes

All land transportation :Yes

Area map :Yes

Exclusive territory for your group :Yes

Bedding, towels, household products :Yes

Small game hunting (in season) :Yes

Wi-fi :Yes

Exclusive Anticosti hunting license**  : Not included

Transportation to the island : Offered in supplement from Mont-Joli

Price per person. No included in the tariff: GST, QST and lodging Taxe.
September October November

3175.00 $

3385.00 $ 3755.00 $

**Not included in this package : Exclusive Anticosti hunting license (limit of 2 deer per hunter). All prices in CAD money.


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Section texte 2

European plan hunting package

Dates : August 31 th to november 29th

Accommodations : Lac Geneviève chalets or at Pointe-Nord LightHouse Keeper's Houses

Stay : 

-- September, november : 5 nights (4 days hunting) 

-- October : 6 nights (5 days hunting)

Meals : No

The daily clean up : No

Guide : 1 guide for your group of 4 hunters

Vehicles : 1 crew cab truck and 1 ATV per group

Firearms adjustments :Yes

Preparation of the game in quarters :Yes

Transportation boxes :Yes

All land transportation :Yes

Area map :Yes

Exclusive territory for your group :Yes

Bedding, towels, household products :Yes

Small game hunting (in season) :Yes

Wi-Fi at Lac Genevieve Chalets :Yes

Exclusive Anticosti hunting license**  : Not included

Transportation to the island : Offered in supplement from Mont-Joli

Price per person. No included in the tariff: GST, QST and lodging Taxe.
September October November
2275.00 $ 2485,00 $ 2855,00 $

**Not included in this package : Exclusive Anticosti hunting license (limit of 2 deer per hunter). All price in CAD money.


European plan-plus

European plan-plus (not available at pointe-nord houses) : with an additionnal charge you have the possibility to take the last supper of your stay at our dining room (reservation in advance before August 15 th) 

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Section texte 3

Rustic plan

Rustic plan is aimed at more adventurous and autonomous hunters. The group have access to a 17 square kilometers (6.5 sq.miles) territory

Dates : September first to November 20th

Accommodations : Lac Valiquette rustic cabin

Stay : 5-day stay (5 nights, 4 days hunting)

Meals : No

The daily clean up : No

Guide : No

Vehicles :Possibility to rent a ATV

Firearms adjustments : No

Preparation of the game in quarters : No

Transportation boxes : No

All land transportation : No

Area map : Yes

Exclusive territory for your group : Yes

Bedding, towels, household products : No

Small game hunting (in season) : Yes

Exclusive Anticosti hunting license**  : Not included

Transportation to the island :No, ask our advisors

Price per person. No included in the tariff: GST, QST and lodging Taxe
September October November
950.00 $ 950.00 $ 950.00 $
With the ATV
1075.00$ 1075.00 $


**Not included in this package : Exclusive Anticosti hunting license (limit of 2 deer per hunter). All prices in CAD money.

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